Intretinerea si curatarea hainei de blana in mod corect sunt foarte importante atunci cand vrei sa o mentii ca noua cat mai mult timp. Respecta urmatoarele reguli si te vei putea bucura de haina ta de blana ani la rand, fara sa apara asupra ei semne de uzura:
Depoziteaza blana in mod corect
Pastreaza haina, vesta sau etola de blana intr-un loc uscat, racoros (dulap sau dressing) si bine ventilat. Evita sa o expui haina la lumina directa si surse de caldura, pentru ca acestea pot usca derma si pot decolora firele de par. Este foarte important sa folosesti un umeras cu margini late, rotunjite (pentru pastrarea formei umerilor). Nu acoperi haina cu huse de protectie. Sacii textili se folosesc doar pentru transport, si nu trebuie sa folosesti niciodata saci din plastic – blana este un material natural, iar plasticul nu ii permite sa „respire”. In extrasezon bara stenderului poate fi acoperita cu un cearsaf din bumbac sau alte fibre naturale pentru a feri de praf hainele. Praful decoloreaza hainele de blana si textilele.
Usuca hainele de blana departe de surse de caldura
Atunci cand este umeda, haina se scutura usor si se aseaza la uscat pe umeras, departe de surse de caldura. In caz de ninsoare abundenta sau ploaie, evita umezirea excesiva a produsului. Blana poate fi ninsa sau plouata la suprafata, dar este important sa nu se ude pielea hainei. In caz contrar, dupa uscare se va deforma si va deveni mai rigida.
Nu inghesui hainele de blana
Pentru evitarea sifonarii hainei, este interzisa acoperirea cu alte haine si aglomerarea sa in spatii mici. Se recomanda pastrarea unei distante de minim 15 cm intre umerase.
Protejeaza hainele de blana impotriva moliilor
Blanurile trebuiesc protejate impotriva moliilor prin pulverizare periodica cu spray-uri speciale (uscate). Noi recomandam in acest sens spray-ul Sano K-400 Dry. Pulverizati in dulap sau dressing de la cca 1 m si aerisiti dupa 1-2 ore.
Curata haina de blana DOAR la curatatorii specializate FUR SPA
Curatarea este probabil cea mai importanta operatiune atunci cand vine vorba despre intretinere haina de blana. Desi multe curatatorii sustin ca pot curata si blana naturala, cele mai multe deterioreaza in mod ireversibil hainele de blana. Curatarea specializata FUR SPA reprezinta o serie de procese si o tehnologie specializata doar pentru hainele de blana.
Casa de blanuri MG ofera serviciul de curatare FUR SPA. In general, curatarea este necesara atunci cand blana are aspectul gras, al unui unui par nespalat, in special in zona gulerului, cand exista diferente de culoare datorate fondului de ten, sau cand capata mirosuri straine deranjante. Daca ai nevoie de mai multe sfaturi legate de intretinerea hainelor de blana, nu ezita sa ne contactezi.
Descopera colectia noastra de blanuri de lux.
Maintaining and cleaning fur correctly are very important if you want to keep it looking new for as long as possible. Follow these rules, and you will be able to enjoy your fur for years without it becoming worn out.
Store your fur correctly
Keep the fur coat, vest, or stole in a dry, cool (wardrobe or closet), and well-ventilated place. Avoid exposing the fur to direct light and heat sources as they can dry out the leather and fade the hair fibers. It is essential to use a hanger with wide, rounded edges (to maintain the shape of the shoulders). Do not cover the fur with protective covers. Textile bags are only used for transportation, and you should never use plastic bags – fur is a natural material, and plastic does not allow it to „breathe.” During the off-season, the clothes rack bar can be covered with a cotton or other natural fiber sheet to protect the clothes from dust. Dust can discolor fur and textiles.
Dry your fur away from heat sources
When wet, gently shake the garment and hang it to dry on a hanger away from heat sources. In case of heavy snowfall or rain, avoid excessive wetting of the product. The fur can be snowed or rained on the surface, but it is essential not to wet the leather of the garment. Otherwise, after drying, it will deform and become stiffer.
Do not overcrowd fur coats
To avoid wrinkling the garment, don’t cover it with other clothes and don’t crowd it into small spaces is prohibited. It is recommended to keep a minimum distance of 15 cm between hangers.
Protect fur coats from moths
Furs should be protected from moths by periodic spraying with special (dry) sprays. We recommend Sano K-400 Dry spray for this purpose. Spray in the wardrobe or closet from approximately 1 m away and ventilate after 1-2 hours.
Clean your fur ONLY at specialized FUR SPA cleaners
Cleaning is probably the most important operation. Although many dry cleaners claim to clean natural fur, most of them irreversibly damage fur garments. FUR SPA specialized cleaning involves a series of processes and specialized technology only for fur coates.
Casa de blanuri MG offers FUR SPA cleaning service. In general, cleaning is necessary when the fur looks greasy, like unwashed hair, especially in the collar area, when there are color differences due to foundation, or when it has unpleasant odors. If you need more advice on fur maintenance, do not hesitate to contact us.
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